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Exercise for Shoulders Joint

Target: Exercise plan after injury and surgery is necessary to recover movement function of shoulders, helping patient come back daily life. However we must have a exercise plan should be introduced and controlled by doctor, therapies who will suggest the best exercise for patient, which based on the following aim:

Enhance support of shoulders joint help become stability, reduce the pain and injury.  Enhance the support muscle of shoulder will help shoulder joint be stability.

Time exercise: during 4 – 6 weeks, except having other treatment.  After recover, this exercise plan should be continued to protect strength for shoulders. Exercise 3 – 5 times per one week to remain the movement functions of shoulder.


SOME HOME - EXERCISES FOR Frozen Shoulder Patient
May 30, 2020 - View: 1902


 1. Movement of Arms

The main muscles : Deltoideus, infraspinatus, supraspinati, Subscapularis

Exercise way:

  • Healthy Hand put on Table or chair to support. A Injury hand can move free along body
  • Move the Injury hand slowly from front to back, athwart  and circle

Note: Don not move forward back and avoid the limitation by joint.

2. Cross your arms in front

The main muscle to move:  Deltoideus

Exercise way:

  • Cross your sore arms in front chest, the healthy hand put on elbow of sore arm and pull in to the healthy hand, help to stretch deltoid( back part)
  • Keep the stretching in 30 seconds and relax 30 seconds, then continue other exercise.

Note: Do not pull in to elbow joint.

3. Rotate in

The main muscles is Subscapularus 

Exercise: Use a small stick, behind your back, a painful hand gripped at the end of the stick, one hand holding the position where is closest to a painful hand.

  • Pull the stick towards the arm as far as possible to vertical, but the shoulder joint does not appear painful.
  • Keep 30 seconds and relax, then continue other exercises.

Note: Do not twist the stick

4. Rotate out 

The main muscles: supraspinatus, Musculus teres minor

Exercise way: Holding one end of stick with your sore hand, the other hand holding the other end of stick, both elbows is perpendicular.

  • Move the stick vertically so that the painful hand moves outward.
  • Keep 30 seconds, then relax muscles and repeat

Note: Keep the hips straight and do not twist the stick.

5. Stretching the lying position

The main muscles: supraspinatus, Musculus teres minor

Exercise way: Lying, shoulder pain below, arm perpendicular to the body, folding 90 degree elbow, head on the pillow comfortably.

  • Use your strong hands to support the sore hand turning down to the bed (as shown below), so that it does not cause pain.
  • Keep 30 seconds, relax 30 seconds and continue other exercises.

Note: Do not twist wrist and not press on joint of wrist.

6. Do Rowing 

The main muscles: Musculus Scalenus medius and posterior

Exercise way: Using a rubber band tied to the wall or a firm position, can also be done in a fitness center with elastic bands or springs.

  • Stand far band positions for 3 foot distances
  • A sore hand hold band and pull to other hand to body

Note: Keep shoulder firmly

7. Rotate out with a folding 90 degree hand

The main Muscles: supraspinatus, Musculus teres minor

Exercise way:  

Using a band, holding shoulders with 90 degree to body and holding arms with 90 degree to forearm. Then rotate elbow slowly, shoulders with maximum as possible.

Note: Always hold elbow balances with shoulders.

8. Rotate  in 

The main Muscles: Musculus pectoralis major

Exercise way:  Using a band

  • Stand up and hold a band by the sore hand, elbow with 90 degree, arms hold on near body.
  • Rotate, Pull a band slowly on near body, keep 30 seconds, then keep the first and continue other exercises.

Note: Always hold elbow near on body

9. Rotate out 

The main Muscles: supraspinatus, Musculus teres minor, Deltoideus, parsclavicularis.

Exercise: Use a band, your arms of postures is the above same

  • Hold a band and pull out, keep 30 seconds and relax, then continue others exercises.

Note: Always hold arm near on body

10. Extension and flexion elbows

The main Muscles: Biceps brachii, caput clavicularis

Exercise: Do with standing or sitting, use dumbbells (1- 3 kg) for extension and flexion elbows.

11. Stretching elbows

The main Muscles: Musculus triceps brachii


  • Do with standing or sitting, use dumbbells (1- 3 kg). Raise hand and stretch elbow slowly to back, keep 2 seconds and stretch.

Note: Hold dumbbells muscles firmly and dumbbells do not touch on back

12. Stretching musculus trapezius

The main Muscles: Musculus trapezius, Deltoideus, supraspinatus


Genuflect on bed with bending back, use dumbbells (1-3kg). Holding 3- 5 seconds, then move back the first posture and continue others exercises.

Notes:  use dumbbells which is suitable with your health.

13. Extension and flexion of shoulders

The main Muscles: Musculus scalenus medius, Serratus anterior


  • Lying on table or bed, feel free with sore hand on bed, other hand holds dumbbells should lift slowly from shoulders at maximum as possible, then lowering.

Note: Do not lift shoulders toward ears.

14. Stretching shoulders 

The main Muscles: Musculus trapezius medius and posterior, Deltoideus, supraspinatus, , Musculus teres minor.


  • Lying by stomach on bed or table, a sore hand feel free on bed. Lift arm slowly to straight, Lift arm to eyes limitation as possible, keep 2 -5 seconds, relax then back to the first positions.

Note: Exercise without heavy thing

15. Rotate out and lie on the sides. 

The main muscles: Deltoideus, supraspinatus, Musculus teres minor.


  • Lie on your side in a hard, painful position at the top, arms close to body, forearms created with 90-degree forearm, hands holding weights.
  • Slowly lift your forearms, rotate your arms and shoulder joints, up to the upper body level, then slowly lower.

Note: Do not rotate the entire back when lifting your hands



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