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  1. What is HEADACHE behind the Neck? The Causes?

The headache behind the neck is the symptoms of stiffness Muscles, which is caused by the disorder of the nerve. This symptoms happen in other ages. The headache can spread to the temples or to the shoulders, chest ... the pain level from mild to severe, lasting dullness. The Japanese doctor show the reasons cause the headache behind neck with the other position:

What is HEADACHE behind the Neck? The Causes?
March 11, 2021 - View: 1362

The headache behind the neck is the symptoms of stiffness Muscles, which is caused by the disorder of the nerve. This symptoms happen in other ages. The headache can spread to the temples or to the shoulders, chest ... the pain level from mild to severe, lasting dullness. The Japanese doctor show the reasons cause the headache behind neck with the other position:

      Arthritis: If you have the symptoms of inflammation and swelling in Neck, you will have the headache behind neck.  There are some Arthritis which cause the headache behind neck such as: Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

      The bad Posture: when you have the bad posture, which can press on the back, neck and shoulders, then lead to the headache, you will feel chronic pain in the bottom of skull.

      Herniation: The dislocation of cranial and neck bone will cause the herniation of neck, lead to headache.

      Occipital nerve pain which the nerve from spinal cord to brain are injured, some people think that is the migraine, but the Occipital nerve pain will start from neck to head.

       Headaches from stress are the most common cause of this type of headache behind neck. The pain usually appears on the right side, behind the head. Pain in the left back of the head.

 The main cause of pain in the left back of the head is migraine.

 Migraines can cause:

  • Sharp and throbbing pain
  • Transient symptoms (affecting the patient's feelings and actions): Nausea, vomiting, watery eyes, sensitivity to light and sound


      Let to see a doctor who specializes in osteoarthritis as soon as  when the pain is more and more serious.

      The Releasing and extending therapy with the muscles will helps reducing the headache. When the nervous symptom is leased, helping to connect the spine with others part on body, it become working well.

 Raku Raku Center is the best osteoarthritis with Japan therapy.


Raku raku Center

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Tel: 024 3939 2525

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